This site will be used primarily to give users of my Phoenix College website an indication of when I have made changes or additions to that site. If I make announcements here, they are to be considered OFFICIAL announcements. Therefore you are REQUIRED to check this site regularly.

29 October 2009

The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves slide show has been updated.

16 October 2009

Although the PhysioEx activities instruct you to print out your data, you should not do this. The only data I need are those that you write in the book. You should hand in only the pages of the exercises and the pages for the Review Questions. Remember that if you are not required to complete an activity within an exercise (according to the Laboratory Schedule), then you do not need to complete the Review Questions that pertain to that unassigned activity. Of course, you must complete the other Review Questions.
The Functional Organization Of Nervous Tissue slide show has been updated.

09 October 2009

While I always recommend giving fake lectures as a way of studying, that is perhaps never more important than for this muscular system chapter. You should be able to explain, out loud and without notes, everything that happens (and all the structures involved) from the time that a neuronal action potential is initiated to the time that the muscle shortens (and then relaxes). Practice this over the weekend, trying to get more and more detailed as you repeat the process. Do the same thing for the hierarchical structure of a muscle.